Friday, June 26, 2009

Being a Tourist in Ho Chi Mihn City

Ho Chi Mihn is the largest city in Vietnam. Yet we seemed to be confined to only a small portion of it. Mostly because we are little traffic pansies. The block on which our hotel sat was surrounded by major roads that raged with constant motobike traffic.

We would watch hunched old women carrying loads of coconuts across these bustling intesections, but the thought of navigating 15 lanes of mean traffic left us daunted.

After some fortifying coffee we braved the torrent. Lilly only got hit once (she really did get hit, ask her to tell you the bizarre story) and we ventured further into afield only to be greated with signs like this at the War Museum.

There does not exists a museum in HCMC unrelated to the war. Even the fine arts museum is 4 floors of paintings of soldiers. But the outside of each we were able to find amazing street vendor. Like the hot bun seller or fresh crab stall below

But if traffic, street food, and museums are not your speed have no fear because there is room in Ho Chi Mihn offering...

Who could ask for anything more?

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